Membership Information
The Western Oregon Radio Club, Inc. was formed to maintain, operate, and improve the
Portland, Oregon, repeaters which connect to the Evergreen Intertie System. The Portland
local system now consists of twenty five repeaters, operating on the ten meter, six meter, two
meter, seventy centimeter and twenty three centimeter bands. An autopatch is available to
WORC members for Portland local calls. The club distributes a periodic newsletter to keep
the members advised of changes to the local and Evergreen Intertie systems.
Once a week the club convenes a local net on the WORC repeater system. The net meets to
provide information about the WORC system, the operation of the Evergreen Intertie and to
allow users to confirm correct operation of their equipment. Members are encouraged to
participate and to learn more about the functioning of the local repeaters. The net also
transmits information from national Ham organizations and reminders of regional Amateur
radio events.
The club has sponsored a table at various Ham Swap meets to distribute information about
WORC and to sell donated Ham gear to raise funds for operating the clubs system. The
majority of funding for the operation of the club is from annual membership dues. Club funds
pay for club insurance, ARRL club dues, site rental for repeaters, telephone service for the
club autopatches, services to members, distribution of Intertie information, postage and
reproduction costs.
The maintenance of club operated repeaters is carried out by the clubs technical committee.
Members on the committee are well versed not only in radio repair, but also must have
experience in digital logic, systems integration, and electronic system design. The complexity
of a multi point, interconnecting radio system requires wide experience in all these
Membership in the Western Oregon Radio Club is available in two classes, with options
for additional benefits:
Associate membership provides a certificate of membership, and periodic newsletters.
Full membership provides a certificate of membership, autopatch access, and periodic
All members receive current Evergreen Intertie information sheets, with updates as the
system changes.
Family membership is an upgrade to any of the other memberships, allowing up to three
related Amateur operators, living at the same location, to join at a reduced rate.
Premier membership, an upgraded Full membership; adds an engraved WORC
nameplate. ( If you need another nameplate for your new call sign, or did not purchase a
nameplate when you first joined, but want one now, send the required fee and
information for the nameplate to the WORC Post Office box.)
For current information about the membership dues, see the linked
Membership Application Form.
(Viewing or printing the membership form requires Adobe
Acrobat Reader, download it here.)
Who can join the WORC ?
Membership in the Western Oregon Radio Club is open to any interested Amateur
Radio Operator. Because the membership provides access codes for operation of the
local WORC system and the Evergreen Intertie, members must be licensed by the
How to join WORC :
Membership applications are available at the Ham Radio Outlet store in Tigard Oregon.
Follow the instructions on the application, include a copy of your FCC license, and
mail with the appropriate fee to the Western Oregon Radio Club.
Or print your own copy of the Membership Application Form from the link above,
follow the instructions on the application, include a copy of your FCC license, and
mail with the appropriate fee to the Western Oregon Radio Club.
In all cases, remember to include a copy of the FCC amateur operator license for each
new member with your application.